In late October, CCA NC, with the help of the Saltwater Anglers Network, kicked off the statewide 2021 Holiday Trout Bash with a one-day tournament within a tournament. On Oct. 23, anglers met at Town Creek Marina in Beaufort for a shotgun start to fish the inshore waters for trout, redfish and southern flounder. More than 30 anglers competed for the largest speckled trout based on length, said Matthew Wallin, CCA NC Assistant Director, who ran the tournament.
“All fish were entered and judged through the iAngler app eliminating the need for a weigh-in station and allowing us to release as many trout as possible, especially those trout over 20 inches,” he said, citing the popular mantra “Release Over 20.”
“We had some impressive catches on the day, with Dustin Newman submitting a 26-inch, 25-inch and a 23.5-inch trout, giving him 74.25 points and securing first place in the overall statewide tournament that ended on Dec. 31,” Wallin said.
As for the one-day kickoff competition, Greg Brissette caught a 20.5-inch trout, securing the largest trout caught during the Day One TWT. Results of the Holiday Trout Bash will be published in a future issue of TIDE.
The following weekend, the Onslow Bay Chapter hosted its seventh annual “Keeping It Reel” fishing tournament for veterans, particularly Marines stationed at Camp Lejeune’s Special Operations Command. More than 50 veterans fished rough inshore waters with 25 captains who volunteered their boats and time to show the vets how much the community appreciates their service. After a full day of fishing on Oct. 30, all hands linked back up at the Water Way Inn for a BBQ dinner, fellowship, awards presentation, raffle and door prizes.
Capt. Beau Bethea’s angler boated a 27.5-inch redfish, Capt. Shaun Yancey’s fisherman caught and released a 23.5-inch southern flounder while Capt. Bruce MacLachlan’s veteran landed a 19-inch speckled trout and Capt. Josh Parker captured the inshore grand slam.